Our nose is the organ which makes us breathe, and it is directly related to human health and is also matters for our appearance. The shape of our nose changes our facial expression dramatically. For example; a flaccid nose which its point is downward and has arched structure, give the person a tense expression and show tiredness.
There are different reasons for patients who applies to me,
- 25% nasal congestion,
- 25% aesthetic reasons,
- 50% of them apply to me for both functional and aesthetic reasons.
The conception of beauty in men and women is totally different from each other.Because of that reason, the most important issue in male patients, In my opinion, avoiding from doing a nose which is appropriate for a woman. We try for our men patients to make a nose which protects manly facial expression, and we try to correct the curvature, low nose tip and arch.
We, as doctors; try to make the angle of the tip of the female nose with a lip above 90 degrees, and trying to make the back slightly curved. So we can say that, the ideal female nose is lightly hollow and the raised nose. If we talk about what is Ideal for male patients; the angle of the tip of the nose with the lip should be 90 degrees, the nose should be flat, not hollow. If the nose is higher than these features can give a feminine look to the man. In some male patients, the main motivation for nasal surgery is to make breathing easier, and the desired changes related to the image may result from secondary changes that have occurred during the trauma leading to this problem.
In addition, the ’Black Sea’ and ‘Arabian noses, which are the type of ethnic noses found in our country are more common in man than women.
Despite being more careful, revision rates in male patients are slightly higher than women. Thickness of the cartilage and bone structures of men can cause more bruising and swelling, especially in the surgeries which are performed by breaking a bone. Male patients have more nasal injuries because of sports and trauma than female patients. Therefore, septum deviation (curvature of the wall that normally divides the nose into two equal parts) is more apparent and more common in male patients. This problem must also be corrected while performing aesthetic nose surgery.
There are main differences that differentiate male patients from female patients:
To protect the masculine image should be the first objective in male patient. As a general fundamental, the tip of the nose is not raised much, and is not thinned, and as I said above, a raised nose is not made. The ways to do it depends on the face type of each patient. If the target is slightly raised and a flat nose; eye contours, cheekbones and jaw lines are more appeared to create a masked balance. For a patient with a faint jaw structure and cheekbones, (this may make the nose look larger than it is) interventions may also be proposed in the areas mentioned to provide this balance.
To give a general definition, even if a flat nose is made, to keep the height of the nose high and not reducing the nose too much generally give more natural and positive result.
There is no generally accepted standard aesthetic form in the male nose. Our male patients who apply to us, sometimes apply only with low nose tip, sometimes with the width of the tip, sometimes they can only complain of the nose belt. Only to correct the complained parts could be enough for male patients.
On the other hand, the nose of the woman, often have an aesthetic shape that can be defined as standard and often desirable, and all the areas to reach that, could be treated.
The changes in the nose during the surgery of male patients may also vary depending on age. For instance , it could be a good choice to make conservative but significant changes in a patient who is not happy with his / her nose during puberty. On the other hand, in middle age and older men, the body image is fall into place. Thus, big changes could make the patients unhappy. The critics of the environment also be evaluated according to patient's age. Consequently, the potential image in the male patients should be shown by digital image techniques and should be discussed with the doctor and the patient should be fully understood.