It is a group of procedures which performed to correct the proportion of the jaw to the face.
The jaw tip may be larger or smaller than normal. In both cases it leads to a significant aesthetic problem. In these cases, aesthetic surgery is performed.
Genioplasty surgeries target to change the aesthetic appearance of the chin tip. With these operations, the length or the size of the jaw tip can be increased or decreased. So, the tip of the jaw can be reinvented.
The important thing when evaluating the chin tip is that, whether the connection between the teeth in the upper chin and lower chin is normal or not. In the operations performed only to chin end, the conenction between the teeth must be normal. If there is a biting problem with deformation in the chin bones, a complicated and long treatment called orthognathic surgery (correction of skeletal defects such as upper or lower jaws in the front or rear, or lateral shift of the jaw) may be necessary.
In case of minor deficiency, enlarging by jaw tip prostheses can be performed. In the case of little redundancy, bone filing can be applied. Operations of the jaw tip must be performed according to person.
It is more common thing that, the jaw tip is smaller than normal. If the patient has an roman nose, her deformity is even more apparent and the condition called bird face bir arises.
Synthetic materials such as silicone, medpor and titanium is often used to enlarge the jaw tip. These synthetic materials have the risks of displacement, melting of bone tissue and infection. At the same time, it is not possible to correct the hanging jowl by using synthetic material. Therefore, we solve this problem by moving the bone tissue at the tip of the jaw forward. With this technique, positive changes occur in the neck and neck region. In addition, operations using one's own bone tissue is the most reliable operation.
Genioplasty operations should be performed under general anesthesia in full-fledged hospitals. The operation last about 45-60 minutes. Since there is a completely oral operation, no signs are seen on the patient's face. The patient is discharged on the same day or the next day. This depends on the condition of the patient's operation. Although pain is very low after the operation, pain can be eliminated with oral painkillers. The swelling caused by surgery completely disappear within 5-7 days. Against the risk of infection, the patient needs to pay attention to oral hygiene for one week and should use an additional antibiotic.