Fraxel Laser (Fractional Laser)
Fractional Laser Method is a method that which has been used for long time. It allows the application of high energies in the laser systems to the skin.Its effective in dermis and epidermis.
They are laser systems which developed for collagen and epithelial cell renewal in the skin.
How does it affect?
Implementation of high laser energies into columns of the skin, shows it effects by damaging the skin. Skin texture; evotes its wound healing mechanism when there is a damage for any reason (burn, incision, surgery, razor blade) In this application, the skin area around the damaged areas remains solid. Reproduction, spasm of, undamaged solid tissues, between the columns and their effor to close the damaged tissue provide a rapid healing in a damaged tissue.
Types of Fractional Laser
In order to apply this application, 3 kinds of laser system are used:
Er-Glass (1540nm) laser system
Er-YAG (2940nm) laser system
(These two laser types with low wavelengths to the upper layers of the skin to be effective, skin scars, wrinkles and skin sagging treatments require an average of 4-6 sessions.)
3- Fractional CO2 (10600nm) lasers
(Thanks to its strong wavelength, it is effective up to the deeper layers of the skin, effective results can be seen even in 1-2 sessions against skin scars, sagging and other problems. In recent years, it has been possible to achieve very good results in a short periods with its fractional application.For a large number of Fractional CO2 lasers there is FDA approval for skin treatment application.
Which Areas Are Suitable To Perform This Surgery?
For aesthetic purposes, it can bu used in all parts of the body for following treatments.
Skin spots (old age spots, freckles, acnes, skin tags, and sunspots)
Skin rejuvenation (for wrinkles and sagging; under arm area, inner leg area, inner knee region, abdomen, butt area, lower-upper eyelid, smoke wrinkles on lip, hand, neck and cleavage zone rejuvenation).
Scars (acne scars, burn marks, scars, surgical scars, old age scars and cracks)
Treatments of Keratosis (skin thickening, swelling)
Cellulite treatment
Vascular treatments
How to Apply?
Before practicing, the skin should be clean firstly.
If the patient wears any makeup, the make up is removed and the skin is thoroughly wiped off by solutions that provide sterilization for protection.
In order to reduce the pain, the local anesthetic pain killers is applied (optional).
Goggles are worn to protect ourself against laser beams.
During application, laser application apparatus is performed on 2X2 cm areas of the skin and laser energy is given to the skin as porous.
Protective measures should be taken against sun after application.
We can say that, it is is very safe and easy operation. when needed precautions are taken.
It can be applied single or combined with other aesthetic operations. It is made with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) to increase its effectiveness and to achieve effective results in a short time.
When to apply?
Because the skin's sensitivity to sun increases after fractional laser treatment, the general recommended periods for this operation are autumn and winter.
How many sessions does it take and what is the duration of application?
The number and duration of sessions differ according to the target of the application, the area of application and the size of the lesions.
According to general approach; For acne scars, 1-2 sessions may be enough for the scars, while 3-5 sessions may be necessary for deeper scars.
The application for skin burns, surgery scars and cracks also takes 1 and 5 sessions depending on the size of the lesion. For the effective treatment of skin problems, it should be applied 1-2 sessions after 1-3 sessions regular fractional laser operation in a year. The recommended sessions for the treatment of old age traces and hand rejuvenation.
Immediately after the operation for skin wrinkles and sagging the skin regains a vivid, radiant appearance, wrinkles and sags disappear, the effect begins immediately after operation and continues for about 4-5 weeks.
The sessions usually last about 20-30 minutes.
Session breaks are usually 3-4 weeks.
After the Operation
After the operation, people can return to their daily life by following some suggestions after 12-24 hours.
After the application, according to recommandations, there should be no make-up, powder, foundation, in the operation area for 24-48 hours and you should not swim in the pools.
Measures should be taken for protecting from the sun after the application.
After operation, redness, tenderness and stretching felling couldl occur in the operation area. Tenderness and stretching feeling will completely disappear within 4-6 hours without any treatment.
The redness view in the area of operation, appears immediately after application and will return its normal apperance within 1-3 days.
Very light and small crusts could be seen in the operation area and the crusts disappear within 3-5 days. During this time, crusts should not be snatched.
Some creams which applied to the area after the application, accelerates the healing process of the skin.
Is it a Painful Practice?
Pain is as much as the feeling of burning senses due to hit of small-scale laser energy to the skin. It is stated that it is less painful than other laser operations such as, laser vascular treatments, laser epilation and laser tattoo.
Generally, there is no need to use any anesthesia in general. However, in some sensitive people, some meuasurements could be taken to reduce the pain.
Is it safe?
Fraxel is an operation that approved by FDA that has been used safely all over the world about 5 years.
The laser systems used in that operation are applied perpendicular to the skin as different from other laser systems, and the risk of side effects, burns and scares very low because of the solid tissues.
No cancer-causing effects were found.
Who is Not Applicable?
People who have any skin infection in the area of operation,
People who have any mmune system disease, who use cortisone and medication that weaken the immune system,
Pregnant and breastfeeding women,
Cancer patients,
People who use drugs to treat of acne (such as Roaccutane, Zoretanin, Acnegen, Acnetrent) (but they can undergo operation 6 months after drug treatment)
People who use blood thinners (should be waited about 10 days )
In very dark-skinned patients (due to the risk of scar),